Sponsor a Herd Member

from $10.00 every month

Help Zuma’s keep these amazing souls safe and loved through our “Sponsor a Herd Member” program.

Your monthly donation in the form of sponsorship helps cover the cost of feed, hay, grain and supplements, dental, farrier, deworming, and vaccines.

On average, the direct cost of care for each of our horses is $500 per month. Can we count on your to help continue our rescue, rehabilitation and sanctuary programs for animals who need our help?

Sponsorship Amount:
Sponsor a Herd Member

Help Zuma’s keep these amazing souls safe and loved through our “Sponsor a Herd Member” program.

Want to learn to provide hands-on care for your sponsored herd member? Ask a staff member or click here to learn more about the horsemanship education classes. Become a hands-on sponsor and show a rescued animal some extra love!